About Us

Mavericks have always had an edgy, rebellious connotation to them. Originally referred to unbranded cattle that strayed from the herd, putting their ownership in doubt. Fast forward 100 years later...and it is used to describe a person who strays from and does not follow the thinking of a group he or she belongs to, or who rebels against accepted ideas or to a herd mentality. "Maverick" thus came to generally mean an individualistic and independent thinker.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The Movie You Write, The Movie You Shoot & The Movie You Edit

It seems like a strange concept but they will not be the same, each phase will be different and you have to roll with the punches.  Think outside the box to make the movie the way you intended.

There are two types of editing (both need to be taken into consideration when completing your movie):

Technical Editing- This is where you make your movie look a certain way and with certain specs. (i.e. aspect ratio, frame rate, etc.)  and it's really important to get these uniform if you're using more than one camera.  Unfortunately, this is an important part of filmmaking and needs to be learned.  Don't let this get you bogged down, get out there, shoot, edit it yourself and it'll come.

Storytelling Editing- Edit your own movie.  Keep the look and feel of the movie yours.  If you hand the footage of your movie over to someone else and your not with them, your not handing creative control over to someone else.  Besides, the point of Maverick MovieMaking is to become skilled in every aspect of filmmaking and doing as much as you can yourself.

Most computers come with some sort of basic editing software (and for the Maverick MovieMaker, this is more than enough), but if you want to explore some options, here are some excellent movie editing software:

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